Archive for October, 2012

I’ve just spent 8 days looking after my neighbours ducks and hens whilst they were away on holiday.


You might be wondering why news of the new patio has dried up over recent days, after all it was all going so well, too well in fact.


As a child I loved doing jig-saw puzzles, in fact I still do, and I’m quite good at them, but yesterday we spent all day doing the hardest jig-saw of my life.


Over the last couple of years or so I’ve written at some length about some of our less successful EBay transactions. Who could forget the curse of the footstools and then earlier this year there was the revenge of the wardrobe.


What was I thinking?  “brick walls and concrete base, which shouldn’t prove too much of a problem with Peter wielding a large sledge hammer.”


So there we were, a lovely, warm, sunny day in early October and the conservatory was dismantled. All that remained were the brick walls and concrete base, which shouldn’t prove too much of a problem with Peter wielding a large sledge hammer. Everything was going well, too well in fact. Something was bound to go wrong.
