It Has To Go
Posted by Cloudybutnice under miscellaneous | Permalink | | Leave A Comment | No Comments
Historically this is the time of year when I turn my attention to outside painting, making sure things are ‘ship shape’ for the winter months ahead.
This year is no exception. As usual I started with Billy the shed then moved on to the house and finally the conservatory which you can see in the photos is attached on the front. Over the years it has been used like a greenhouse and possesses none of the refinements of the modern equivalent.
Each Autumn I ‘bodge’ it up and paint it and each Spring I’m amazed to see it still standing. This year, when I’d trimmed back the ivy, the full horror of the task ahead hit me like a brick. This was going to need more than a lick of paint.
The wooden frames were rotten, the glass was loose and the door woudn’t close properly, plus there were large gaps just under the roof making the over-wintering of tender plants a bit of a challenge.

So, after much discussion the decision was made. It has to go.