
The weather is at it again, it just can’t seem to get going. One good day is followed by two or more bad ones.


Well April really has been a wash-out. Apart from planting out my peas and broad beans, I’ve done no gardening. In an attempt to stave off the boredom, I’ve been adding to my limited HTML code writing skills by learning how to do tables.

Here you will find a selection of my favourite things in table form. How cool is that? Just mouse over the pictures for full details.


‘Every day’s a school day’ is one of Peter’s favourite sayings. He mostly uses it when trying to understand the many foibles of his computer, but to be honest you can use it in just about any area of life. Basically, you might be old, you might think you know it all and have seen it all, but the truth is you don’t and haven’t, and almost everyday there are new opportunities, some voluntary, some by force of circumstance, to learn more.


At the end of March I was struggling to keep my seedlings watered and protected from the sun. A week later I was struggling to keep them warm and protected from frost!

Although it has warmed up slightly and the sun is shining from time to time, there is a wickedly cold wind, so whilst I’m waiting for some warm weather to return, my thoughts have turned to indoor pursuits.


Is it any wonder us Brits are obsessed with the weather?


Regular readers of this blog, if indeed such things exist (I could have been talking to myself for the last 3 years) will know that I like to write about ‘firsts’. That is to say, things that I have seen or done for the very first time. Take today for example.


I managed to get some proper gardening done over the weekend, the first of the year.The weather was sunny, warm and Spring-like, what could be better?


On Saturday we did something we’ve never done before, we went on board a Royal Navy minesweeper. HMS Grimsby was visiting her adopted port for the weekend and was open to the public between 11am and 3pm. As that is only half an hour down the road from here, we thought we’d have a look.


When I was growing up in Halifax back in the 1960’s our house had a solid fuel fire with a fire-back boiler. I don’t know if such things even exist these days, but anyway, one day the fire-back boiler burst and water came flooding into the dining room.


The last 10 days have been ferociously cold, with snow and ice thrown in for good measure. I’ve been doing my best to keep the birds well fed, and have also had a new feline visitor, though I’ve only actually seen him that one time.


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