Two Crocosmias And A Goldfinch
Posted by Cloudybutnice under diary, seeds and cuttings, the flower garden, wildlife | Permalink | | Leave A Comment | No Comments
Another sunny, if cool day and I did one of my most favourite gardening jobs. Planting things that I’ve grown from cuttings or seed out of their pots and into the ground.
Today it was the turn of my ‘Lucifers’ and ‘Solfatare’. Both are crocosmias and both are stunning in their own way. Lucifer is tall red and fiery, while Solfatare is smaller with grey/green leaves and apricot flowers.
The Lucifers I grew from my own seeds which I collected and sowed a couple of years ago. I had 6 pots of these.
The Solfatares are all descended from one shop bought plant that I have split over the years. I had 9 pots to find homes for, which is a pretty good result.
One of the Solfatare pots I’ve split into 3 and re-potted. This way I always have some stock plants that I can bring inside in winter, as I don’t think they’re too robust if left unprotected outside in harsh weather.
An unexpected job was to rescue a Goldfinch from the conservatory. It’s a constant problem I’m afraid because I have the door open, and inevitably birds and insects get in sometimes. Some react better than others.
The wrens and robins just seem to hop around on the floor until eventually they just hop out of the door. Blackbirds get all panicy and flutter everywhere, I’m always worried they will injure themselves or have a heart attack.
This little chap just sat on the arm of the bench and looked so sorry for himself. After an initial flutter against the glass I was able to pick him up an set him free. He flew off into a clear blue sky. I do hope he will be OK.
Butterflies and moths usually get out by themselves, but I can help if necessary. I keep a ‘bee saving kit’ in there permanently all Spring and Summer. Nothing complicated just a half pint beer glass (with handle) and a stiff piece of paper. This is similar to my ‘mouse saving kit’ that I have indoors, (for when Dulcie brings me a present) except for mice I use a wooden spoon in place of the stiff paper. Yes I know I’m sad.