the vegetable garden

Yesterday we bought our seed potatoes and onion sets. This is an annual ritual which for me represents the start of the gardening year.


What could be nicer on a warm summers day than English strawberries picked straight from the garden served with ice-cream? What could be more evocative of those long summer days of picture-book childhood, when life was lived at an easier pace?


It’s commonly said that a weed is simply a plant that is growing in the wrong place. Whilst this is true to a certain extent, I feel there are a few exceptions which should be classified as weeds all the time. Here in ascending order of loathing are my top five weeds.


When we moved here 10 years or so ago, the hedges which surround our 3/4 acre plot, were about 6 feet high. You could easily add another 2 feet on to that for the growth they made each summer, which meant that by August they were untidy and very oppressive. Being so high they were a real pain to trim and although they offered good protection from the wind they did cut out a lot of light from both flower and vegetable gardens.


It’s always a good feeling when the first snowdrops appear. There’s been one brave little soldier flowering on his own by our backdoor for several days now. I don’t quite know how he came to be there all on his own but there he is.

I noticed today that the big clump at the back of the house have appeared, so that’s a good sign, though I often wish they were in a place where we could see them more easily from indoors.


At last, a nice day and I can actually do some proper gardening. I haven’t been able to do that since way before Xmas.

January is a funny time of year really, too early to do some things, too cold and wet to do others, so I decided the best thing was to do some digging. Apart from anything else I need the exercise after all these weeks of inactivity.


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