Plant Of The Day: Primula Vulgaris
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My plant of the day, in fact my favourite plant of any day, is Primula Vulgaris, the common primrose.
This lovely, compact, cheerful little plant is just so sweet. As well as being a native species, it is also completely hardy and reliable, preferring partial shade and moist conditions rather than full sun.
Having said that we have some living quite happily in a south facing flower bed, admittedly in the shade of surrounding plants. Elsewhere in the garden one has made it’s home with the gunnera, while two more have taken up residence at the bottom of trees in the field. One of these has been joined by a pulmonaria, and these two together are stunning. I take no credit for this planting which is just serendipity.
The primula will happily flower from early March through until May, and can be easily divided in Autumn and very early Spring to provide lots of new, free plants. What could be better?
Needless to say gardeners and horticulturists through the ages have bred more colourful and garish varieties, but in my opinion, if it’s not broken don’t mend it. In other words you can’t improve on perfection.